Our DUI Attorneys Will Provide An Aggressive Defense For You
At Cogdill Nichols Rein Wartelle Andrews (CNRWA), we recognize the impact a DUI conviction will have on your future. We provide thorough, aggressive defense representation for every client, seeking the best possible outcome.
Consequences of a DUI arrest may include a suspended license, fines, skyrocketing insurance premiums and a jail sentence. Our DUI attorneys will handle all aspects of the criminal and DMV administrative issues, working to have charges reduced or dismissed, and assisting with reinstatement of driving privileges.
In the event of a guilty plea or conviction, we will work with the judge to develop options that will help our client avoid jail, including deferred prosecution and alcohol treatment programs.
To speak with an experienced DUI lawyer at CNRWA, call 425-247-3984 now to schedule a free initial consultation.
Defending Against DUI Charges
Our law firm will examine all aspects of your case, seeking to obtain a dismissal of the charge or reduction to a nonalcohol driving offense. Factors that could result in a positive outcome include:
- Lack of probable cause for the police to stop you
- Improperly administered field sobriety tests
- Inadmissible breath or blood test results
- Failure of the police to inform you of your rights
Protecting Your Professional Reputation
If convicted of DUI or refusing a Breathalyzer test, professionals may face loss of their professional licenses, airline pilots may lose flight privileges and commercial truck drivers may lose their CDLs. As your counsel, we are able to provide comprehensive DUI defense representation. Our employment law attorneys will work together with our criminal defense lawyers to see that all issues are thoroughly addressed.
Prior Offenses Can Lead To Felony DUI Charges In Washington State
In Washington state, driving under the influence or maintaining physical control of a motor vehicle under the influence, may be a felony offense under some circumstances — an offense more serious than vehicular assault. DUI becomes a felony if the person charged has four or more prior offenses in the past 10 years or has been convicted of vehicular assault or vehicular homicide at any time. Prior offenses could include charges like:
- Negligent driving
- Reckless driving
- Reckless endangerment if initially charged as an alcohol offense
When handling a charge of DUI, defense attorneys at CNRWA may be able to negotiate a plea bargain that reduces the charge to a nonalcohol driving offense.
Contact Us Today For A Free Consultation
If you would like to speak with one of our lawyers about defense of a DUI charge, contact CNRWA.