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Reasons not to talk to the police

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2024 | Criminal Defense

The role of police officers is to prevent and investigate crime. They have a duty to protect innocent people. For the most part, this is exactly what they do. So, is it safe to talk to them? 

There is a difference between having a casual conversation with a police officer and talking to them as a criminal suspect. In the latter case, it is definitely not advisable to talk to them, and here’s why. 

Confirmation bias

All humans have a tendency to try and confirm their initial suspicions rather than deny them. This is referred to as confirmation bias. Police officers are not immune from this. So, what does this mean for you as a criminal suspect? 

In short, it means that the police will be looking for evidence to confirm that you committed an offense. This is probably all they’ll be looking for when talking to you. 

It’s natural to think that if you have nothing to hide, then there is no harm in talking to officers. Nonetheless, many people have been convicted this way, even when they did not commit an offense. 

For example, the police may ask where you were on a certain date at a certain time, so you tell them. This is your alibi. However, upon further investigation, the police found out that you were not where you claimed. You mixed up your dates by one day. Now, the police have reason to believe that you were lying to them, which may imply guilt. If your case goes to trial, the prosecutor could also build a narrative around you being dishonest about where you were.

Simply put, talking to police officers before seeking legal guidance is never worth the risk. Remember, you have a Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.